
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cooking party for 2 year olds

Today was my baby's birthday party, I can't believe she is 2!  She loves cooking so we had a cooking party and her little friends came along and all got a little messy.

They made pizzas by cutting out puff pastry in lots of shapes - dinosaurs, planes and hearts were popular. Then they had fun exploring the toppings - pesto, tomato, orange peppers, mushrooms, parsley, ham and cheese to grate themselves - there were some lovely creations, each one different.
For pudding I made an 'icing' out of Greek yoghurt and honey. They spooned it on top of homemade cupcakes and then decorated them with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, a few chocolate stars and pink sprinkles. Everyone seemed to have fun, and it was lovely to see them all practising their cooking skills.


To make the icing, mix together 125ml of Greek yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of runny honey. Put in a bowl with a teaspoon and let your child get spoontastic with it - it's very easy for them to spread, much easier than normal icing and much healthier too! Any fruits go well on top and if you want to make it even more nutritious let your child sprinkle on some chopped nuts.


  1. Alex,

    I love your website - great idea. I try and cook with my stepson often - simple baking and dinners. It makes it interesting and fun for him as he knows what goes into the food. Plus its a bonus for his future girlfriend/wife as he'll know his way around the kitchen.

    Good luck.


  2. Hi Nicole
    I hope your stepson's future wife/girlfriend appreciates your hard work! I agree that it is so important for children to know what goes into their food, and they are more likely to try things if they know how they are made. Well done you!!
    Alex x
