
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I was over the moon last week to learn about the publication of 'Superjam'. The author, Fraser Doherty, started selling jams as a teenager in Scotland, and now sells a range of delicious Superjams made with fruit juice instead of sugar and using nutritious ingredients such as blueberries and cranberries.

I've been wanting to make jam with the girls but was put off by the huge amount of sugar necessary. So, copy in hand, and in anticipation of a wet afternoon with my children and 2 of their friends to entertain, I decided to launch our jam making careers with the Stawberry and Pomegranate jam.

The children had fun preparing the ingredients and I boiled up the jam whilst they were having a bounce on the trampoline (luckily the rain stayed away). We did the test recommended by Fraser of running jam onto a cold plate to see if it set, and then I poured it into jars with labels decorated by the chidlren.

I couldn't believe how easy it was, even with 4 children. The book explains all the stages, in simple terms. The hardest bit was finding grape juice, but we tracked some down to Tescos who keep it in stock.

5 first-time jam makers were very pleased with their achievement and the jam tastes delicious. I can't wait to make the lemon curd, the orange and passion fruit marmalade and the plum and elderberry jam using the berries from our garden. Watch this space!


  1. would never have considered rainy day is sorted then!.....keep those recipes coming please....especially as summer draws to an end and my little ones crave the kitchen as their outdoor subsitute!

  2. Let me know how it goes, I'd love to hear your jam stories. We'll definitely be doing lots of cooking this winter to keep away the cold weather blues! Thanks so much for your comment.
